Friday, October 5, 2018

The True Meaning of Aloha

The term Aloha is often misunderstood. Many think “Aloha” is a word that can be interchangeably used for hello and goodbye. Although this is true, “Aloha” has a much deeper meaning than most realize.
Once you understand what Aloha means, you will no doubt appreciate our life here on the Hawaiian islands. Native Hawaiian or not, anyone can practice Aloha in their daily lives. Let's break down what each part of “Aloha” means.
A, ala or alertness. Can also mean being of positive mind and heart. Making sure our lives and the lives of those around us are always moving forward.
L, lokahi or working in unity with others. Support people in the community and family circle. Unity requires being PONO/one with everybody. Open communication and willingness to be neighborly is something everyone can do to make the world a better place.

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