Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How to Use Noni Fruit the Traditional Way

Polynesians and native Hawaiians have known for centuries that noni is a powerful plant for healing. The Polynesians brought noni as one of their 27 “canoe plants” when they first came to settle the Hawaiian islands, and since then, it’s uses have been passed down through generations.
We learned about noni when we moved to our farm on Kauai from California back in 1982. Over time, its ability to heal and fortify the body became clear to us as it healed us and our friends from many chronic health problems. Over the years, the testimonials we’ve gotten from our customers and friends has been further proof to us: noni heals.
But we think a lot of people don’t really understand what noni’s about. They drink the juice, fermented, diluted, and usually sweetened. Countless studies have shown that noni juice contains barely a fraction of the beneficial compounds of the raw fruit.
Traditionally, noni wasn’t fermented and turned into juice as some people do by placing it in glass jars.I always challenge people to visit Bishop Museum in Honolulu and look for a glass jar from even just 150 years ago. They didn’t have them, and they didn’t need them. They ate noni fresh from the tree, year-round.

We stick to that tradition at Hawaiian Organic Noni, because we trust the ancient wisdom of those explorers who brought noni with them as a precious commodity from faraway islands. Here’s what you can learn about noni from the ways it was traditionally used as part of daily life.

Fresh, Raw, and Unfermented

Our goal is to bring you as close as possible to picking the noni right off the tree and eating it fresh—because that’s the way it was meant to be eaten. We make our noni products from raw, organic, unfermented noni pulp.

Challenges of Preserving Noni

Noni has a preservation problem, which is why it was almost always eaten freshly picked from the tree. People began fermenting and preserving it as a matter of convenience. As soon as the white mature fruit is picked, it begins to undergo a slow ripening process and then begins to rot and ferment.  Fermentation turns sugars into alcohol, alters enzyme structures, and damages many of the beneficial compounds.
We were determined to find a way to preserve noni without damaging the health benefits of the raw fruit.

Innovative Process, Traditional Results

After a lot of experimentation, we found that removing the water from noni halted the fermentation process. We developed our unique low-heat dehydration system, to turn raw noni pulp into 100% pure noni fruit leather.
We encourage you to come visit us on Kauai to try fresh noni right from the tree and see what the true traditional experience is like. But if you don’t have access to noni trees every day, you can rest assured that our products are as close to the raw fruit as you can get.

Taking Noni Internally as Raw Food

This is where the real work gets done: when you let noni heal from the inside out. Taking noni internally helps the beneficial compounds in the fruit make the most difference on your body’s systems.
Evidence shows that noni was traditionally eaten daily, both as a natural preventative and for healing a wide variety of conditions, both chronic and acute.

Natural Preventative

Noni was most commonly used as a preventative for a variety of conditions. It has proved itself excellent at maintaining good health, increasing energy levels and holding illness and aging at bay.
Ancient Polynesians valued the noni fruit in large part because of its ability to keep them vital and healthy. It was eaten daily to promote good health.

Healing Long-Term Conditions

Eating noni can also take action against long-term conditions that often resist other treatment. Great examples are diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure and joint pain. When ancient Polynesians got sick, they upped their daily noni intake while they healed.
We recommend taking two to four 2x2 inch pieces per day for healing chronic conditions. You can expect to see results over time, ranging from a week to a month depending on the condition and the severity.

Applying Noni Topically

Topical noni application is another widely known traditional use. Raw fruit was often applied to the skin for various reasons. Noni applied to the skin heals from the outside in, helping build and maintain healthy skin and penetrating deep into the tissue to attack pain at its source.

Promotes Long-Term Skin Health

One reason ancient Polynesians applied noni to the skin was as a long-term preventative. Applied daily, noni fights signs of aging, protects against skin conditions, and heals sun damage.
You might not be able to apply fresh noni fruit to your skin each day, but our Noni Lavender Lotion is made of just noni pulp, water, lavender, and a little grapefruit seed extract. The Noni Lavender Lotion is 99.2% organic noni pulp.

Relieving Pain Symptoms

Chronic pain relief was another traditional use of noni. Noni fruit was applied to inflamed, bruised, strained, or otherwise painful areas to bring relief while healing.
Current published research has shown that the beneficial compounds in noni are75% as effective as morphine for pain relief, but without any of the side effects. Professional athletes use noni to keep pain at bay so they’re ready perform—ancient Polynesians did the same thing.
We created two formulas using menthol and camphor to take the pain relief to the next level: our IcyHeat Noni Lotion is 4% menthol camphor and our IcyHeat Sports Formula is 5% menthol camphor for quickness of response.

Read the Full Version Here to Learn How Noni Lotion Can Be Used To Heal Acute Injuries

How is noni a part of your daily life? Let us know in the comments!

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