Thursday, August 18, 2016

Noni: Your All-Natural Ally In the Fight Against Diabetes

It’s no secret that the modern “Western diet” of processed foods, grain-fed meat, and lots of simple carbohydrates causes health problems — not least of which is type 2 diabetes. But just as diabetes is largely caused by food, certain foods can help restore balance.
One such food is noni fruit, a tropical Polynesian superfood being actively studied for its wide-ranging benefits to the human body, including its ability to help fight type 2 diabetes.
In general, foods that promote insulin resistance and diabetes are high in simple sugars and calories, but low on nutrients. These foods cause blood sugar spikes, inflammation, and excessive fat storage, all of which contribute to diabetes.
By contrast, noni is an extremely low sugar, low calorie food, but more importantly, it’s packed with all kinds of beneficial nutrients that help you feel satiated and full of energy, while actually combating the inflammation behind diabetes.

So Where’s the Research?

We have three kinds of research to draw on, which give us very different information: Scientific, historical, and anecdotal.

Just the Science

First, there’s the scientific research being done to test the impact of noni extract on diabetic animals.One study from the Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences showed that noni could keep diabetic symptoms under control for as long as the test subjects (lab rats) kept taking noni.  
In another study from Japan, the hypoglycemic effects of the chemical constituents of Morinda citrifolia roots were evaluated. One of the extracts “showed a significant reduction of the blood glucose levels.”

Cultural Context

Then we have evidence from McGill University researchers, who were looking for an explanation behind a sudden diabetes increase in New Guinea natives. They found that people who stopped eating noni fruit, part of a traditional diet, were more likely to be diabetic.
Ancient Polynesians used noni fruit as a natural preventative for a wide variety of conditions including high blood sugar. It was important enough that they brought saplings and seeds with them everywhere they settled! Learn more about noni as a “canoe plant” here.

Countless Stories

Our final type of evidence is extremely valid to us, even if it’s not seen as “evidence” as such by the scientific community: it’s the countless anecdotes of people who have seen dramatic change in their blood sugar levels and insulin resistance as a result of eating noni. Here are just a few testimonials:
“We've been using it for the past 6 months and we could not believe the numbers when we went to get our yearly check up with our Doctor! If you have diabetes we promise within 3 weeks of taking the leather NOT only did the daily glucose levels drop by a hundred (it was in the 175-225 range) the A1C number dropped to 7.2! Cut the insulin in half...and hopefully perhaps can get off it completely.  I take one 2x2 inch in the morning drop one in my hydro flask and drink it through the day and another at night before brushing my teeth. Yes, taking it three times can be quite expensive but can you put a dollar value on your health?”
“I was on Kauai last year and found these products at a Farmer’s Market. I have been using them for one year now and had to come back to visit the farm. I was a mess a year ago. Since eating the Noni Fruit Leather and using the lotions, everything changed. I lost 50 pounds, my diabetes and high blood pressure are normal and the pain in my feet is gone!! This stuff works – ask my husband!!”

Where Can I Find Noni? Learn how you can easily use noni in everyday life in the original blog!

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